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Titanfall Beta Opening to all Xbox One users tonight, PC to follow!


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Respawn Entertainment has announced that the Titanfall beta will become open on Xbox One and PC shortly.


Confirmed by Vince Zampella on Twitter.com, he recently tweeted that the beta would be opening up to all users on Xbox One tonight, and PC later on. His argument was how little players got into the closed beta and Respawn wanting to reach the max rather then have too little. He does however, expect it to hold, with the worse case scenario being that a server or two get temporarily clogged and receive delays. His exact words were:


"Ok, just heard from [Respawn programmer Jon Shiring]. His words are 'Let's break it', so the plan is to make the beta fully open and have you max stress it! All the switches need to be flipped, and there are probably lots! It will take some number of time units to do it all!"




The period will extend by a single day to account for the loss in time. The Xbox One is estimated to receive the beta tonight, and the PC will receive it the following morning. Major Nelson gave instructions on how to access the beta in his blog at Majornelson.com.


Now that the beta is open, are you excited to get your fingertips on Titanfall early?


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